Helping prepare for school & life
Located in a cottage, surrounded by common land Heather Rabbit is a predominantly outdoor based nursery. We have a large play garden which the children always have access to. We have a well used mud kitchen, sand pit, water play, climbing equipment and ride ons as well as more formal chairs and tables for seated outdoor learning.

We are fortunate to have 3 further outdoor spaces on site
The Giant’s Garden

The Giant’s Garden is an area with no toys, this is a calm garden for small group activities.
Mr McGregor’s Garden

Mr McGregor’s garden, as the name may suggest, is used to grow vegetables and other yummy things.
The Pond Garden

The pond garden is situated behind two locked gates, we love to pond dip to find newts and other fascinating creepy crawlys.

Outdoor environment…
Our surroundings
Our surrounding countryside is stunning. We have camps in the woods, space to explore and to create our own magical worlds, and farm animals to meet on our regular walks. We see the passing of the seasons and learn to be observant and mindful of the natural world.
When we do venture indoors we cocoon ourselves in a warm playroom, heated in the winter by a log burner, to explore a vast array of toys, games, and roleplay which allow for imagination building open-ended play.